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INTERVIEW: NYC Pop Artist Rachel Bochner

*Cover Photo By Carina Allen*

We had the chance to chat with NYC pop-star Rachel Bochner about her new single ‘If I’m Gunna Be Sad (I Might As Well Look Hot Doing It)’, Summer plans, and what it’s like being a ‘big sister’ to her fans!

Hey Rachel! Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me! Can you tell readers a little bit about yourself for those who aren’t familiar?

I’m a pop artist based in NYC, I’m an Aquarius, and I just released a song about being sad and hot. I started releasing music a few years ago – right as the pandemic hit, and it’s been a crazy, blurry journey since!

Congrats on your new single ‘If I’m Gunna Be Sad (I Might As Well Look Hot Doing It)’! Can you talk about the writing process for that track and what the song means to you?
Thank you! This song was really fun to make. I wrote it with my best friend and producer Tiger Darrow. We have so much fun when we work on anything together, and while we were writing IIGBS, it just felt right to have her be featured. We originally toyed with a slightly different, more angsty direction for the song. We realized after a while that the reason that it wasn’t feeling authentic was because we weren’t ANGRY, we were SAD. This song is about reclaiming your self worth and confidence after it’s been shaken by a breakup (or something of the sort). We are dynamic, multifaceted girlies, so, if we’re gunna be sad, we can also look hot doing it. 

What can fans expect from your upcoming EP that’s due out this Summer?

Some of my favorite songs I’ve written to date, more videos, and lil treats for the fans.

Are there any secrets you can spill about it right now?

Secrets? Hmm… I’ve teased this a little on my socials but my next single is called Here for the Drama

You’ve built an incredible community both online and off based on the sentiment of empowering young woman to go after what they want and not take Sh*t from anyone – what’s one piece of ‘big sister’ advice you would give to your fans reading this right now?

I actually am a big sister (and a little sister… I have 4 sisters…), so I LOVE stepping into my protective, older sister energy. My advice to fans reading this is to remember that life is too short to let self doubt hold you back from chasing what sets your soul on fire. The journey might get a little messy, or get really, really hard at times, but wouldn’t you rather live through a little chaos than settle for anything less than exactly what you’re dreaming of?! 

I love ending interviews on a fun note so with the warmer weather coming up I have to ask – what’s your go to “window’s down in the car, driving to the beach” song that’s always on your playlist in the Summer?

My favorite way to listen to music is exactly that – in the car driving on the highway, volume up high! Some really great driving songs are Dover Beach by Baby Queen, Escapism by Raye (it’s like living out an entire opera in the car), and most things in Taylor Swift’s discography. 

Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me! Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Say hi to me on Instagram/TikTok/wherever @rachelbochner!!!!

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