On Thursday night, I had the pleasure of watching Isaac Lewis and Charlie Burg play space. I’m sure it can be extremely nerve-wracking to stand in front of a large group of people and play your songs, however both did this with a touch of grace and the self-confidence that marks someone who could do this for a living.
Isaac Lewis opened up our Thursday night, rocking his very own Britney Spears mic and a smile that showed he was ready for anything. Singing mostly originals both old and from an upcoming EP being released in January (keep your eyes out everyone; it’s sure to be a banger), he was surrounded by good friends who all knew the words by heart. I couldn’t help but smile at how much love Isaac had while he was performing, his passion shining through with every note he sang and chord he strummed.
Charlie Burg has always had rock star potential, and the way he controls the crowd just proves my point. The basement was packed and much of the crowd already knew the words to many of the songs he played off his new EP “One, Violet” and the energy was undeniable. Charlie’s first full-band show was a hit and in my opinion, ended entirely too soon.
My favorite part about both sets was the energy in the room. It was obvious how supportive and proud Isaac’s friends were to see him play and you could tell that they’ve been through it all with him as well. Charlie has already made quite a name for himself at Syracuse and beyond, with a growing support that will be sure to follow him into the future of his career. I’m looking forward to seeing their growth and what they can accomplish in the future. I am just so utterly blown away and honored to know such talented individuals and it warms my heart that Space Camp exists and gives Syracuse musicians an amazing platform to showcase their art and promote unity within the music community at school.
Links to Isaac and Charlie’s music is below and be sure to support your local house shows and talented music kids!